Rebirth Womb Healing
Releasing Past Trauma and Pain
We store so much in our womb it is meant to be the place where woman create from but so many of us are blocked, more in our masculine and forgotten what it was to feel from the womb
I know that was my first experience and when I first connected and felt into my womb, I was shocked as all I saw felt was that I didn’t really like myself and there was so much self loathing,right then I knew I had to work on myself and my self love and the first place to start was my womb and its been a slow onion and with releasing and letting go.
I’m so grateful my dear sister Alaya Melchizedek gifted the students of the Neo Sharmanic Society a womb healing and rebirth, which is super powerful
So if you are feeling disconnected from your femininity and your womb I offer a beautiful healing that takes you back to your first conception healing and releasing trauma from your past and then finishing off with your nourishing your womb space and removing stored trauma. You will feel rebirthed grounded and have a new feeling of peace and unconditional love
Most woman experience some of the below issues and this healing is a great way to start to remember who you really are meant to be
you have re-occurring physical pain, discomfort, disease around the womb, ovaries or sacral area (i.e. endometriosis, cysts, cramps)
your feminine/masculine or sexual energetics feel unbalanced
you feel shame and guilt around your femininity
you are undergoing stress/challenges during pregnancy or conceiving
you wish your own birth was more gentle, loving, supportive and natural
you feel ungrounded or disconnected to earth
you find it hard to create and manifest the life you wish